I Am Exhausted and Sad.

This has been an unrelenting year. And personally, this has been a most unrelenting summer.

I am fine. Today, I do not feel fine, but I am.

I don’t do well with change or uncertainty. And I don’t do well with chaotic or negative energies. I’m sensitive. One may even say an empath, but these days everyone is an empath, so… Let’s just go with sensitive for now. And all this year has been is uncertainty and change and chaos and darkness.

And personally, I’ve shouldered a lot. Resiliency is a beautiful thing, but it doesn’t make the burdens less heavy. And in the past week, I’ve felt the heavy of my resiliency.

Luckily, I think this season of needing to be a Strong Black Woman (TM) is coming to an end soon enough. And I think what will come after it will be restorative and healing and peaceful. As a matter of fact, I’m going to do whatever it takes to ensure it is.

I wish I had more to say, but again — I am exhausted and sad.